Saturday, October 5, 2013

Facebook lets you search for old posts

Facebook has introduced a new feature that lets you search for old posts. Picture: Facebook media centre.

FACEBOOK finally rolled out its Graph Search to all of its users around the world.

Graph Search has been available to a select few users for the past year or so, during which time they were allowed to search for pages, people, music, notes and other features of Facebook.

But until now you couldn't search for individual posts.

Starting today Facebook users can now search their posts and those of their friends and followers.

So if you're trying to remember that stupid thing your mate posted last New Year's Eve, it won't be quite so hard to find.

Picture: Facebook Media Centre.

The search works by letting you type in something like "posts about X". So you're going to have to remember certain key words or phrases.

Considering anything that you've posted publicly (note, not just to certain friends or followers) is now searchable, it might be time to go back and check which of your updates are public and which are private.

The silly season isn't too far away so it might be time to lock down your settings before it's too late.

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